domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010


The secret of the ring muscles is talk about the Paula method that is based on the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Paula Garbourg is the originator and developer of the method, which called Paula method because of her name. Paula Garbourg discovered that the various ring muscles function as one system that is mutually connected to all the bodily system, and stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself.
The system of ring muscles is a functional system. The muscle system is connected in unique manner to the diaphragm, and affects the digestive system, blood vessels, and all the body’s muscles and all the bodily systems. Any imbalance in one of them is reflected in the other, an imbalance in a ring muscle will affect all the other ring muscles and all the connected bodily system. When there’s an imbalance in the bodily system will affect one or more ring muscles. By activating a ring muscles you affect to all the bodily system. That is basically the Paula method.
In the book Paula Garbourg explains about the Paula method, how she discovered the Paula method and all the information about the ring muscles. She also, explains about some of the exercises of the Paula method to practice in the house or to practice with an expert. Some of the exercises are, eyes exercise, which is when you group and release the muscles of the eyes. The exercise of the lips, is when you doing “Uh, Ih” with a circles movements with the lips.
In conclusion, the Paula method witch it can help with illnesses and bodily problems, like breathing problems, orthopedic problems, paralysis etc… I think that the Paula method is the best method and the best treatment, and the doctors in the hospitals have to apply this method in the treatment of the medicals.

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